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Helplines in Poland.


116 111 - telefon zaufania dla dzieci i młodzieży Fundacji Dajemy Dzieciom Siłę jest anonimowy, bezpłatny, całodobowy i pufny....


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Telefon zaufania 800 119 119 to darmowy i anonimowy numer dla dzieci i młodzieży, pod którym porozmawiasz z psychologiem o...


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Stowarzyszenie Animo - Odważ się żyć! provides free and confidential support and information by phone. We are here for everyone...



Telefon zaufania dla mężczyzn / Helpline for men zapewnia bezpłatne i poufne wsparcie telefoniczne. Jesteśmy tutaj, aby pomóc...



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Infolinia dla uzależnień behawioralnych jest dedykowana osobom cierpiącym na uzależnienia behawioralne oraz ich...


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Jeśli doświadczyłeś lub doświadczasz trudnych dla Ciebie rzeczy, masz problemy ze snem i ze skupieniem się - możesz się do nas...



Olsztyńskie Stowarzyszenie Pomocy Telefonicznej zapewnia całodobowe, bezpłatne i poufne wsparcie telefoniczne i SMS-owe....




The Antidepressant Helpline 22 484 88 01 has been operating for more than 20 years. Psychologists, psychotherapists and a...


Everyone to miejsce, w którym dbamy, żeby nikt – bez względu na wiek – nie czuł się samotny. Jeśli potrzebujesz...



Infolinia Centrum Praw Kobiet jest skierowana do kobiet doświadczających przemocy – czy to przemocy domowej, czy napaści na tle...



Jeśli doświadczyłaś przemocy seksualnej – nieważne gdzie, nieważne kiedy (teraz czy w przeszłości), nieważne kim był sprawca...



Ogólnopolska Infolinia ds. Uzależnień to miejsce, w którym osoby z problemami uzależnień i ich bliscy mogą uzyskać wsparcie,...



МИ ХОЧЕМО ДОПОМОГТИ | МИ ДЛЯ ТЕБЕ | МИ РОЗУМІЄМО ТЕБЕ | МИ НА ТВОЇЙ СТОРОНІ Ми маємо справу з усіма видами насильства —...



Helpline for the elderly brings support to seniors. On the other side of the handset, experienced psychologists are waiting for...



We help children, teenagers and young adults with emotional problems. We specialise in depression, eating disorders, self-harm,...



Fundacja Słonie na Balkonie provides free and confidential support by phone. We are here to help children, parents, and youth...



PL : 800 100 100 to bezpłatna i anonimowa pomoc telefoniczna i online dla rodziców i nauczycieli, którzy potrzebują wsparcia i...



Po śmierci bliskiej osoby nic już nie jest takie, jak było. Program „Tumbo Pomaga” powstał, by pomóc dzieciom i młodzieży w...


Illustration of two people inside separate phones working together to bandage a wounded heart, representing online empathy

Get free, confidential crisis counseling support in Poland

It can be difficult to know where to turn when you're struggling with your mental health. Whether you're going through a tough time, or you're concerned about a loved one, you can turn to a helpline or hotline for crisis counseling support. 21 helplines are available in Poland to help you.

It's common to feel some anxiety about contacting a helpline. Learn more about what helplines offer so you can decide if it's right for you.

What is a helpline or hotline?

Helplines offer immediate mental health support to the public for free. When you contact a helpline, you will receive confidential counseling support either over the phone, text message or online chat. In some countries, helplines are also known as hotlines or crisis lines.

What kind of support do helplines offer?

Whether you just need someone to listen to you, or you're looking for more practical advice, a helpline responder can support you in the way you need. They will commonly ask questions to help you process your emotions, and may help you form a plan so you can feel more in control.

Who will I talk to when I contact a helpline?

When you contact a helpline, you'll commonly speak to a volunteer or counselor who has been trained in crisis counseling or active listening, and is equipped to support you. Some helplines are operated by people who have a similar experience to the issue or topic that the helpline supports.

What topics do helplines and hotlines assist with?

Some helplines offer support for specific problems like suicide, depression, anxiety, domestic violence and sexual assault. Others help with certain demographics, such as veterans, youth or the LGBTQ+ community. Many helplines offer support for all kinds of mental and behavioral health problems – this means you can talk to them about anything that is on your mind.

What is a suicide hotline?

In most countries, there is access to a suicide hotline number that you can call if you're having thoughts about wanting to die or ending your life. Suicide hotlines, often called lifelines or crisis lines, are usually accessible 24/7. Many suicide hotlines also support with all topics.

Will a helpline talk to me about someone I'm concerned about?

It can be worrying when a friend or family member is struggling with their mental health or experiencing a behavioral health crisis. Helplines will support you to better help your loved one, whether that is actions you could take to support them, or external support they might be able to access.

I'm in Poland. What hotlines and helplines are available to me?

In Poland, there are 21 hotlines and helplines that support with a range of topics.

Globally, there are over 2,000 helplines and hotlines, and the support they offer varies across topics and populations. What unites them is their shared aim to support people who are experiencing mental health distress or emotional pain. Helplines are there to assist you in a time of emotional pain, and to support those who may be noticing warning signs of an emotional crisis in those they care about.

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