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Helplines in Guizhou, China.

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Get help with abuse and domestic violence from a hotline in Guizhou, China

Domestic abuse is any action or behaviour from a partner or spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend or family member that aims to control you. For some, this is physical violence, for others it takes the form of verbal, emotional, sexual or financial abuse.

Setting free from an abuser may feel impossible. You are probably terrified and feel trapped. However, many victims of abuse and domestic violence have made it. With the help of 0 hotlines in Guizhou, China that support with abuse and domestic violence, you can live without having to endure these symptoms of abuse:

  • Your privacy online being invaded
  • Your partner/family member is constantly trying to convince you you’re crazy and makes you doubt your experiences (also known as gaslighting)
  • Your partner/family member is acting excessively jealously
  • Your belongings and property being destroyed
  • Being exposed to intimidation and coercion
  • You are being isolated from friends and family members
  • Your devices are being monitored or tracked by a partner/family member
  • Avoiding certain topics so that you don’t anger your partner/family member

Victims of abuse and domestic violence can be in a difficult position. They once had (or still have) love for the abuser. On the other hand, they are constantly exposed to harm from someone who should love them back. This can feel puzzling and scary.

You might feel insecure and unsure what the right thing to do in your situation is. Fortunately, there are professionals and volunteers in Guizhou, China who have experience helping domestic violence and abuse victims. They could help you find your way towards a better life.

For free and confidential support with abuse and domestic violence, consider contacting a hotline in Guizhou, China today.

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