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Helplines in Henan, China.

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Contact a hotline in Henan, China for help supporting a loved one with mental health problems.

Watching a loved one experience what resembles an emotional crisis can be hard. It's normal to be worried and to wonder how and whether you can help. There are 0 hotlines in Henan, China that you can contact for free advice, if your loved one is experiencing any of the following:

  • They appear to be consumed by their thoughts and in their own world.
  • They don’t seem to be keeping up with their daily responsibilities.
  • They have stopped caring about their physical appearance.
  • They have told you they are struggling emotionally.
  • They seem irritable and their moods are unpredictable.
  • They often complain of aches and pains that have no obvious cause.
  • They reject invitations to spend time together or hang out.
  • They always seems to be down or in a low mood.

When someone you love is suffering, it can hurt you too. If you don’t know how to help, it’s normal to feel powerless. You can be there for your loved one in small ways and still make a big difference.

If you contact a hotline in Henan, China, you'll be connected to a knowledgeable volunteer, peer or counselor who can help. They can talk you through different ways of supporting a loved one and provide you with referrals if needed. They can also help you find ways to cope with your own distress.

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