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Helplines in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany.

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Get help with a gambling addiciton from a hotline in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

If you can't stop gambling despite the negative impact it's had on you and your loved ones, you may feel guilty, ashamed, and hopeless. But there is hope. You can get free support to stop gambling from one of 0 hotlines in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. Reach out if you relate to the following:

  • Losing track of how much you spend while gambling
  • Planning how to spend more time gambling.
  • Skipping work, family and other important commitments to gamble.
  • Feeling that your gambling is out of control.
  • Using borrowed money to gamble.
  • Gambling to distract yourself from your problems.
  • Experiencing stress and anxiety as a result of your gambling habits.
  • Experiencing relationship problems because of your gambling habits.

It's normal to feel as though there's no hope for the future when you've lost a lot to gambling. The pain can be unbearable and you may feel completely helpless. But with proper support, you can stop gambling and turn your life around.

Taking the first step to reach out for gambling support from a hotline in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany can feel daunting. But you can take comfort in knowing that volunteers are well-trained in supporting people with gambling problems. They will treat you with warmth and compassion and they will listen to you without any judgment.

Consider contacting a hotline in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany right away for free, private help with gambling.

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