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Helplines in Saint Helens, England.

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Illustration of a person within a phone reaching out to protect a depressed woman from the rain with an umbrella

Are you being bullied at school, home, work or online? Contact a Saint Helens, England helpline today.

If you’re struggling with someone who uses power, position, strength or popularity to degrade and belittle you, you’re a victim of bullying. If you’re being bullied at home, school, work, or online, you’re not alone. There are 0 helplines in Saint Helens, England provided by people who understand how lonely you feel. Consider contacting a helpline if:

  • You have been socially isolated and made to feel different, ashamed and alone.
  • You have been the victim of pranks, rumours, naming and shaming online.
  • You have been threatened, belittled or shamed by someone on gaming or social media platforms.
  • Someone has made repeated negative comments about your appearance, culture, family, lifestyle or behaviour.
  • Others have frequently shamed, taunted or threatened you on social media.
  • Someone has shared private, negative, false or harmful pictures, content or rumours about you.
  • One or more people has repeatedly called you names and teased or humiliated you.
  • One or more people have repeatedly sworn at, called names, taunted or physically harassed you.

No matter how blatant or discrete, bullying can make you feel different, excluded and alone. Your feelings are shared and understood. Remember, bullies aren’t the boss. What bullies say or do will never reflect your worth in life, who you really are and your potential to succeed.

If you have been bullied, you may be unsure about how you will be treated when you contact a helpline. It might help you to know that helplines are staff by compassionate volunteers and counselors in Saint Helens, England that want to listen to your concerns and support you.

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