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Helplines in North Macedonia.

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Get support for dementia and Alzheimer's from a hotline in North Macedonia

Gradually losing your edge and having to adapt to your new reality could make you feel a range of different emotions. However, many people out there are going through the same thing. You can find free support in North Macedonia from 0 hotlines if you’re struggling with:

  • Forgetfulness of simple things, like a shopping list, more than usual
  • Not caring about what others feel
  • You become paranoid and feel like everyone is working against you
  • Finding yourself repeating questions when you are asked something so that you can focus better
  • Sudden changes in mood, agitation
  • Having trouble making simple calculations
  • Confusion about place, like getting confused about where you are at the moment
  • Feeling anxious and fearful for no obvious reason

Dementia and Alzheimer’s could make you feel a range of emotions, from fear to disbelief or even peaceful acceptance. It is natural to feel all of that and to be apprehensive about what the future brings at times. It can be confusing to go through it alone.

Receiving the diagnosis of dementia and Alzheimer’s can be a life-changing experience. Trying to figure it out on your own might be extremely challenging. Consider reaching out to people in North Macedonia who understand to help you cope better.

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