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Helplines in Mauritius.

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Unplanned pregnancy or distressed about your pregnancy? Find out about your options from a helpline in Mauritius.

If you're pregnant and it was unplanned or you're uncertain about it, you're not alone. Many women will experience an unplanned or uncertain pregnancy in their lifetimes. There are 0 helplines in Mauritius that you can call today to get advice and support. If you relate to any of the following, reach out for help:

  • Being concerned about whether you'd make a good parent.
  • Feeling anxious about how your body and health will be affected depending on your choice.
  • Worried about how your studies or work will be affected if you go through with the pregnancy.
  • Being concerned about how you may be treated by healthcare staff.
  • Being unsure of how to tell your partner or your family, or whether you should.
  • Anger directed toward yourself or your partner for the pregnancy.
  • Experiencing a sense of urgency, like you need to make a decision as soon as possible.
  • Being concerned about how your choice may impact your mental health.

When you experience an unplanned pregnancy or pregnancy with doubts, there's no "normal" way to feel or respond. Some women find it easy to make a choice. Others have a really hard time accepting what's happened and deciding what to do. Whatever your feelings are, know that they are valid.

Finding out you're pregnant when it wasn't planned or if you're having doubts about certain aspects can put you in a difficult position. If you're not ready to tell anyone about it, you may feel alone. However, helpine counselors and volunteers are available in Mauritius to offer a listening ear and zero-judgment support, no matter where you are in your decision-making process.

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