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Helplines in Mauritius.

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Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Are you or a loved one struggling with substance abuse, such as drugs or alcohol? Hotline support is available in Mauritius

If you or someone you know is abusing substances, or struggling with drug and alcohol addiction, you may not know where to turn. Fortunately, support is available in Mauritius from 0 helplines for substance abuse. If you or a loved one has been experiencing any of the following, reach out today:

  • Inability to stop using drugs or alcohol despite repeated attempts.
  • Being unable to stop using drugs or alcohol despite the negative consequences it is causing.
  • Feeling an urge to use drugs, alcohol or other substances regularly.
  • Neglecting hygiene and personal appearance.
  • Sleeping at strange hours of the day or night.
  • Experiencing interpersonal problems as a result of substance abuse.
  • Using substances as a way to relieve negative or uncomfortable emotions.
  • Spending money on drugs or alcohol despite it being unaffordable.

When you're grappling with drug or alcohol abuse, recovery may seem impossible. It may feel like nobody and nothing can help you. However, substance abuse and addiction is treatable. Others have recovered and so can you. Healing starts with the right support.

Crisis counselors are available to support you whether you are the one struggling, or whether you're concerned about a friend or family member. You can get free, confidential, zero-judgement support for substance use and addiction from a hotline in Mauritius.

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