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خط مساعدة الطفل 147 / Child Helpline 147


About خط مساعدة الطفل 147 / Child Helpline 147

The Child helpline in the State of Kuwait as a national entity concerned with providing support services to children under the age of eighteen.

All calls received to the child helpline are free of charge and from any landline or mobile phone within the State of Kuwait.

It provides callers with advice, referral to the concerned authorities, and follow-up as the case requires. The child helpline is announced through appropriate means that ensure that all members of society know the nature of his services.

Dealing immediately with emergency cases through the direct referral mechanism of the authorities responsible for the immediate intervention, and following up on reaching the service for children in a timely manner.

Continuous pursuit of the best with the aim of improving the quality of services provided by monitoring the enforcement of children's rights to protection and care in the State of Kuwait and partnering with local institutions concerned with children and international child help line organizations.

Communication officers are individuals who have been nominated and trained to receive referrals from the line and deal with them seriously, effectively and urgently, and follow up on these referrals until the problem is addressed.

The seriousness of the call is estimated throughout the call and the level of risk is dealt with as required (normal - medium - high risk) through referral mechanisms.

The line seeks to motivate the institutions concerned with providing services to children to perform their role efficiently, effectively and in an integrated manner, and in order to achieve this principle and to avoid duplication, the Child helpline does not provide field services for children, but rather provides the service through advice or referral to the appropriate body to follow up the referrals effectively.

All workers in the child helpline are committed to documenting incoming calls and outgoing referrals, as well as follow-up communications in the electronic program “Customer Relationship Management” CRM, which is specially designed to document incoming communications and communications.

All font-specific information including the location of the line, its working procedures and the staff is strictly confidential and cannot be disclosed to any profile outside the support line without the prior written permission of the line management. As well as data related to communications and callers, it is treated in a high framework of confidentiality and privacy.

In order to achieve the best levels of service, accuracy is taken into account in selecting and evaluating candidates to work in the child support line and verifying their ability to deal with children. All workers are also trained and qualified to work gradually through several stages so that they can perform their tasks with confidence and efficiency.

Where is خط مساعدة الطفل 147 / Child Helpline 147 available?

Available nationwide in Kuwait

Who does خط مساعدة الطفل 147 / Child Helpline 147 support?

Children and parents

What languages does خط مساعدة الطفل 147 / Child Helpline 147 support?

Arabic and English

Accessibility notes

The line is free of charge.

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