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About BørneTelefonen

BørneTelefonen er dedikeret til at yde 24/7, gratis og fortrolig support via chat, telefon og sms. Vi er her for alle i Danmark, der kan have brug for følelsesmæssig støtte med misbrug & vold i hjemmet, angst, mobning, depression, spisning & kropsopfattelse, familie, køn & seksuel identitet, ensomhed, forældreskab, graviditet & abort, forhold, skole & arbejde, selvskade, seksuelle overgreb, stress, selvmordstanker, støtte til andre, sorg & tab og fysisk sygdom. Vi er dedikerede til at forebygge selvmord. Hvis du overvejer selvmord, eller du er bekymret for advarselstegn hos en anden, bedes du kontakte os for at få hjælp.

Når du henvender dig til os, vil du tale med en af ​​vores uddannede frivillige, som vil samarbejde med dig for at finde løsninger og samtidig give dig et empatisk og medfølende øre. De har ekspertise og forståelse for, hvordan man hjælper folk, der går igennem vanskeligheder, der ligner det, du er. Alle kan kontakte os, uanset alder, køn, etnicitet eller religiøs overbevisning. Vi anerkender, at vanskelige mentale helbreds- eller kriseoplevelser kan ske når som helst, så vi er til rådighed 24 timer i døgnet, alle ugens dage.

English Translation: BørneTelefonen is dedicated to providing 24/7, free and confidential support by webchat, phone and text. We are here for everyone in Denmark who may need emotional support with abuse & domestic violence, anxiety, bullying, depression, eating & body image, family, gender & sexual identity, loneliness, parenting, pregnancy & abortion, ralationships, school & work, self-harm, sexual abuse, stress, suicidal thoughts, supporting others, grief & loss, and physical illness. We are dedicated to preventing suicide. If you're contemplating suicide or you're worried about warning signs in someone else, please reach out to us for help.

When you reach out to us you will talk with one of our trained volunteers who will collaborate with you to find solutions while giving you an empathetic and compassionate ear. They have expertise and understanding in how to help people going through difficulties similar to what you are. Anyone can contact us, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or religious beliefs. We recognise that difficult mental health or crisis experiences can happen at any time, so we are available 24 hours a day, every day of the week.

Where is BørneTelefonen available?

Available nationwide in Denmark

Who does BørneTelefonen support?

Parents, youth, and children

What languages does BørneTelefonen support?


Illustration of a woman meeting a caring person, who is in a life-sized phone, to symbolize online support and connection

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