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Sexlinien for unge


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About Sexlinien for unge

Sexlinien for Unge is a helpline counselling young people between 15-25 years in areas such as sex and sexual problems, puberty development, sexuality, gender, anticonception, unwanted pregnancies and abortion, prevention, sexually transmitted diseases, relationships, sexual boundaries and sexual assaults. We offer free, nonjudgemental and anonymous counselling with your personal problems. Our counsellors are professionally trained youths, often students from medicine, nursing, teaching or psychology. Our aim is help to self-help making youths more capable of identifying solutions to their problems or getting the information and knowledge, they need to do so. Also helping callers to identify their abilities to act themselves. It’s our view that everyone has the right to their body and to enjoy a sexual life.

Where is Sexlinien for unge available?

Available nationwide in Denmark

Who does Sexlinien for unge support?


What languages does Sexlinien for unge support?


Accessibility notes

We have an online letterbox on the webpage, that you can write to outside of opening hours. We reply within 7-10 days.

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