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Tu Paz Cuenta Helpline


About Tu Paz Cuenta Helpline

Your Peace Matter: Focused on preventing and reducing gender-based violence in all its different manifestations, this project uses a methodology of cultural competence to address the specific needs of Afro-descendant women in Puerto Rico.

Psychological and psychosocial services are offered for gender-based violence survivors. Legal Counseling, Companionship through the process. Centered on trauma review and collective healing.

Circle of women: gender-based violence survivors participate in activities that lead to collective discussion and healing processes.

Vision: empowered and healthy women can advocate, organize, and consolidate community leadership.

Where is Tu Paz Cuenta Helpline available?

Available nationwide in Puerto Rico

Who does Tu Paz Cuenta Helpline support?

Seniors, lgbtq+, women, and youth

What languages does Tu Paz Cuenta Helpline support?

English and Spanish

What can I talk to Tu Paz Cuenta Helpline about?

Illustration of two people inside separate phones working together to bandage a wounded heart, representing online empathy

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