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Wexford Women's Refuge Clg



About Wexford Women's Refuge Clg

Wexford Women's Refuge is dedicated to providing 24/7, free confidential support and information via our dedicated freephone helpline 1800 220 444. We support women and children in Wexford, Ireland who are experiencing domestic violence and abuse, supporting a friend or family member. We know that talking to someone is hard, when you reach out to us you will talk with one of our trained support workers who will listen to you with empathy and understanding, and work together with you to find a meaningful way forward. We will never judge you. We will give you the space to explore your options. We are here to listen, believe and support you when you are ready, In a safe non-judgemental and confidential space. Our helpline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Where is Wexford Women's Refuge Clg available?

Available in Ireland

Who does Wexford Women's Refuge Clg support?

Women and children

What languages does Wexford Women's Refuge Clg support?


What can I talk to Wexford Women's Refuge Clg about?

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