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Reach out to a free depression hotline in Guyana for confidential help

Depression is a common mental health problem that affects millions of people worldwide. When you're depressed you feel sad on most days and you may find it difficult to keep up with life's demands.

In Guyana, there are 2 free hotlines that support people experiencing the symptoms of depression. If you notice these signs of depression, consider reaching out:

  • Things that used to bring you joy mean nothing to you now
  • You don’t care for your hobbies or work
  • You became irritable for no reason
  • You feel guilty, and you loath yourself
  • You ruminate over all your past mistakes
  • You feel down in the dumps
  • You lost interest in things you used to enjoy and find important
  • You have a need to withdraw from people and activities

We are all at risk of developing depression. Many people around the world have been where you are right now. The symptoms of depression can, however, make our lives miserable. Luckily, there is a way out of that dark place.

Depression can make you feel worthless, like you don't deserve or are beyond help. But this is not true. You deserve help and support from people who care about your situation. Helpline volunteers and counselors in Guyana care about what you're going through, want to support you, and help you find a path forward.

If you are ready to talk to someone about your experiences of depression, you can contact a hotline in Guyana for free and confidential support.

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