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Helplines in Haifa District, Israel.


Sahar, a non-profit organization, provides anonymous, immediate assistance to people of all ages experiencing emotional...

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Tahel was established in 1993 in order to provide emotional support, advice, and referrals for women, teenagers, and children...




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Struggling with stress? Reach out to a hotline in Haifa District, Israel for free support

If you're suffering from stress, it may feel like life has spun out of control and you can't keep up. If you don't find ways to manage your stress, your mental health may be at risk. If you notice any of these signs of stress, there are 2 hotlines in Haifa District, Israel who you can talk to for free support:

  • Unable to enjoy yourself in activities that were previously enjoyed.
  • Teeth grinding and clenching jaw.
  • Procrastinating or avoiding responsibilities.
  • Decreased sexual function such as loss of interest in sex or inability to enjoy it.
  • Difficulty breathing, wheezing, or shortness of breath.
  • Sleep disturbances; sleeping excessively or not sleeping at all.
  • Digestive issues that result in diarrhea, constipation, heart burn, or digestive disorders.
  • Having difficulty making decisions and judgments.

When you're stressed out, it can feel like you're under immense pressure. Your emotions are heightened so you may be more short-tempered and irritable. You're also more likely to get upset over seemingly small things. It's normal to feel overwhelmed and that things are beyond your control.

You may feel that you should be able to handle your problems on your own, but there's a lot of strength in reaching out for help. If you contact a hotline in Haifa District, Israel, you'll be connected to a counselor or volunteer who can help carry your burdens. Sometimes simply opening up to someone can make you feel lighter.

If you feel like you might need support with your experiences of stress, try reaching out to a hotline in Haifa District, Israel. It's free and confidential.

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