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Helplines in Gujarat, India.

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Saath helpline deals with people who are going through an emotional crisis. We provide emotional support and our work is based...


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Are you being bullied at school, home, work or online? Contact a Gujarat, India helpline today.

If you’ve been bullied or belittled at home, school, work or online, you don’t have to suffer alone. There are 1 helplines in Gujarat, India for people who’ve been victims of bullying. Bullying can be physical or psychological, direct or indirect, but whatever form it takes, it always hurts. Bullying can look like:

  • One or more people have spread rumours about you, whether true or untrue.
  • You have been threatened or physically harassed by others on a regular basis.
  • Your possessions have purposely been damaged or taken by others on a regular basis.
  • You have been threatened, belittled or shamed by someone on gaming or social media platforms.
  • Others have purposely left you out of social groups at school, work or elsewhere.
  • You have been socially isolated and made to feel different, ashamed and alone.
  • You have been taunted, teased, threatened or harmed by others.
  • You have been trolled, insulted or humiliated on social media.

These are all ways in which bullies might try to boost their status at your expense, making you feel shamed, isolated and small. Yet, bullying in no way reflects who you truly are, what you’re capable of achieving, how you actually look, or how much you are valued by others.

If you have been bullied, you may be unsure about how you will be treated when you contact a helpline. It might help you to know that helplines are staff by compassionate volunteers and counselors in Gujarat, India that want to listen to your concerns and support you.

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