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Helplines in Mauritius.


SOS Femmes Mauritius (Helpline for Women) offre une assistance téléphonique gratuite et confidentielle 24h/24 et 7j/7. Nous...


Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Get support for gender and sexual identity from a LGBTQ-friendly hotline in Mauritius

If you’re questioning your sexual orientation or gender identity, or if you’re experiencing problems as a result of identifying as LGBTQ, you’re not alone. If you're struggling with any of the below, there are 1 helplines in Mauritius that you can reach out to for support.

  • Wanting to come out but not knowing how
  • Feeling shame around how you identify
  • You aren't sure how to date or flirt with members of the same sex
  • Feeling like how you are on the outside doesn't represent who you are on the inside
  • A sense of wrongness about the gender you were assigned at birth
  • Feeling like your sexuality is different from those around you
  • Struggling with being misgendered or wrongly labeled
  • Feeling frustrated and angry that your assigned gender at birth doesn't match who you are

As an LGBTQ person, you deserve to be accepted, respected, and loved for who you are. If you’ve been treated unfairly by others because of your gender or sexual identity, it’s normal to feel intense negative emotions. Loneliness, confusion, and thoughts of suicide are often experienced by LGBTQ people.

If you're experiencing problems because you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, help is available in Mauritius. You can reach out at any time and get connected to a caring LGBTQ-friendly volunteer or counselor. Helpline listeners will offer you respectful, affirming care no matter what you're going through.

If you think you might need support with your gender & sexual identity today, consider contacting a helpline in Mauritius for free, confidential help.

Find Mauritius helplines & hotlines by topic

In Mauritius there is one helpline/hotline that supports with the following topics:
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