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Helplines in Nicaragua.

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Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Are you or someone you know self-harming? Reach out for support from a helpline in Nicaragua

Sometimes your emotions may be so overwhelming that hurting yourself may feel like the only way to find relief. Whether you are self-harming at the moment, or you have thoughts about it, there are 1 helplines in Nicaragua that can help. If you relate to the following, reach out:

  • Feeling like you deserve the pain
  • Feeling the need to escape or numb your feelings
  • Having sudden impulses to hurt yourself
  • Feeling like your emotions are too difficult or overwhelming to deal with
  • A desire to punish or hurt yourself
  • Feeling like normal ways of coping don't work for you – the pain is a last resort
  • Avoiding people you care about so they don't find out
  • Not looking after your physical health (e.g. not eating, not taking care of wounds or injuries)

Since self-harm provides immediate, in-the-moment relief from painful emotions, it’s easy to become reliant on it as your go-to coping mechanism. Stopping may seem impossible and you may be ashamed to even talk about it. However, self-harm is more common than you think. Many people struggle to manage intense emotions.

Talking about how you feel can be difficult,, especially if you tend to bottle things up. But talking can offer you a healthy alternative for releasing negative emotions. Helpline counselors in Nicaragua want to listen to you and support you. They can help you find ways to feel better without hurting yourself.

If you think you might need support with self harm today, consider contacting a helpline in Nicaragua for free, confidential help.

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