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Aquí Estoy Chatline es una línea de ayuda de habla hispana con base global que ofrece apoyo emocional en WhatsApp. Somos una...



Nuestro propósito es brindar apoyo psicoemocional a la población venezolana radicada en el territorio nacional, de cualquier...


Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Contact a free depression hotline in Venezuela for confidential support

Depression is one of the most common mental health problems, affecting about 13% of people worldwide. Depression can affect people differently, but common feelings associated with depression include sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, and guilt.

If you're in Venezuela and experiencing these symptoms, there are 2 helplines ready to help:

  • You have lost energy and feel tired all the time
  • Sometimes, you feel dead inside
  • You might be unable to sit still
  • Your weight has changed alongside your emotions
  • You could feel slower in your movement, speech, and reactions than usual
  • Things that used to bring you joy mean nothing to you now
  • You cannot concentrate and have difficulties memorizing things
  • You find it difficult to socialize

Even though depression symptoms may feel overwhelming, they are not uncommon. It is normal to find yourself depressed at some point. With the right help, you can deal with feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

Talking about how you feel when you're depressed is hard. You may not want to burden other people with your problems. But it's important to recognize that this is your depression talking. There are helpline counselors and volunteers in Venezuela that want to listen and offer you the loving support you need.

For free and confidential support with depression, sadness and feeling hopeless, consider contacting a hotline in Venezuela today.

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