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Stop Domestic Abuse Helpline


About Stop Domestic Abuse Helpline

Our Advice Line for all parts of Hampshire is open for victims, perpetrators and their families and friends and professionals. Access to Emergency Refuge Accommodation is available 24/7 by calling our Helpline number. You will be directed to our out-of-hours service. Tel 0330 0533 630.

OUR DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES Refuge  We have 18 refugees across Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton and can accommodate 106 women and their children. We make each refuge feel like a home and provide both one-to-one support and group activities for women and children. Dispersed Accommodation We provide self-contained accommodation that meets the needs of a diverse range of service users, including male victims, women with older male children and families with very complex needs.
Community based services    We provide one-to-one support for adult victims and children affected by domestic abuse. Group Work Our Group Work programmes give adults, children, and young people the opportunity to learn about domestic abuse and how it has affected them.  Target Hardening     Our specialist workers visit homes to give safety advice and issue personal and home safety equipment. Harmful Cultural Practices   We deliver specialist work addressing harmful cultural practices including female genital mutilation, forced marriage and ‘honour’ based violence. Health Advocates   Our Health Advocates offer immediate advice and support to staff and patients in hospitals.    LGBTQ+ Advocacy We provide support, advice and assistance to adults in the LGBTQ+ community who have experienced or are at risk of domestic abuse, and we deliver training to other professionals working with victims from LGBTQ+ communities. Stalking Advocacy and Support A specialist support and advocacy service for victims of stalking in Hampshire and Isle of Wight, offering a range of support, including risk and safety planning, advocacy support, emotional and practical support, specialist advice and support in relation to cyber stalking and support to access any other services the victim may need.  Training We deliver a range of courses for other organisations and professional partners in the community. Up2U:Creating Healthy Relationships    We deliver a behaviour-change programme to people who use abusive unhealthy behaviours in their intimate relationships. 

Where is Stop Domestic Abuse Helpline available?

Available in England

Who does Stop Domestic Abuse Helpline support?


What languages does Stop Domestic Abuse Helpline support?


What can I talk to Stop Domestic Abuse Helpline about?

Accessibility notes

Service for people affected by domestic abuse, including victims, their family and friends and perpetrators.

Illustration of a woman meeting a caring person, who is in a life-sized phone, to symbolize online support and connection

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