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Women and Girls Network Advice Line


Online Chat

About Women and Girls Network Advice Line

The Women and Girls Network Advice Line and Webchat Service provides one-off immediate, free and confidential information, advice, advocacy and wrap-around support for self-identifying women and girls (14 years+) affected by any form of gendered violence and abuse in London, England. We can explore your situation and support you to understand your rights and what options are available to you. We can make ongoing referrals to support you with your practical and emotional needs, advocate on your behalf with services and offer specialist advice and guidance around your safety or experiences of abuse, both current and historic. We will always listen and believe you.

Who does Women and Girls Network Advice Line support?

Women and youth

What languages does Women and Girls Network Advice Line support?


What can I talk to Women and Girls Network Advice Line about?

Accessibility notes

Free Service for women and girls 14 yr+. Web chat also available via website in advice line opening hours. We can offer translators in all languages.

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