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Helplines in Germany.

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Krisenchat offers psychosocial chat counselling for young people in acute crises. Counselling is free of charge and...




Ukrainian support line: Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed because of the war? Have you arrived in a foreign country and...



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Die TelefonSeelsorge ist eine 24/7-Helpline für alle in Deutschland und im Ausland lebenden deutschsprachigen Menschen, die...


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Allein mit deinen Problemen? Wir sind für dich da! Gibt es etwas, das Dich aus dem Gleichgewicht bringt? Etwas, das Dich...


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Rund um die Uhr, kostenfrei, anonym: Das Hilfetelefon „Gewalt gegen Frauen“ Jede dritte Frau in Deutschland ist mindestens...


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Guttempler offers 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support by phone. We exist to help everyone in Germany who may...



Viele Männer erleben Gewalt. Erleiden Gewalt. In der Kindheit, auf der Straße, in Institutionen oder auch in der Partnerschaft....


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Das Hilfe-Telefon Sexueller Missbrauch unterstützt alle Menschen, die Fragen zum Thema haben, selbst betroffen sind, sich...



NACOA Deutschland Interessenvertretung für Kinder aus Suchtfamilien e.V. Wir beraten kostenlos und anonym zum Thema Sucht in...


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Telefonische Beratung, anonym und kostenlos in Deutschland. Wenn Sie sich Sorgen um Ihr Kind machen, sich überfordert oder...


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Free, immediate crisis counseling support in Germany

If you're looking for free and quick mental health support, helplines can be a great option. In Germany, free crisis counseling support is available from 12 hotlines and helplines.

It’s normal to feel nervous about making the call. Learn here about what to expect.

What are helplines or hotlines?

A helpline is a free, confidential counseling service available to anyone experiencing difficulties in their mental health, or worried about the mental health of someone they know. They are sometimes known as crisis lines or hotlines, and offer support over the phone, text message or chat. Some are available 24/7.

How will a helpline or hotline support me?

Helpline responders will actively listen to you while also asking questions to help you process difficult emotions and situations. When you call a hotline, you can expect to be listened to without judgment. If you like, you can also talk through or receive guidance on what steps you can take next.

Who will I talk to when I contact a helpline?

Helpline responders are often volunteers or counselors. They might also be peers who have had a similar life experience to the issue the helpline supports with. They are commonly trained in active listening and crisis counseling.

What topics do helplines and hotlines assist with?

Some helplines offer support for specific problems like suicide, depression, anxiety, domestic violence and sexual assault. Others help with certain demographics, such as veterans, youth or the LGBTQ+ community. Many helplines offer support for all kinds of mental and behavioral health problems – this means you can talk to them about anything that is on your mind.

What is a suicide hotline?

Suicide prevention hotlines or lifelines are available in many countries. They exist to provide compassionate support to people who are feeling hopeless or are thinking of ending their lives. Suicide hotlines commonly support with all topics, which means they can help with any kind of problem, even if it's not suicide related. They are usually reachable at all hours of the day and night.

Will a helpline talk to me about someone I'm concerned about?

When a friend or family member is going through a mental health crisis, it can be difficult to know how to help. Helplines will offer advice on how you can best support your loved one, whether that be through ways you can support them or outside support they may be able to get.

I'm in Germany. What hotlines and helplines are available to me?

In Germany, there are 12 hotlines and helplines that support with a range of topics.

Globally, there are over 2,000 helplines and hotlines, and the support they offer varies across topics and populations. What unites them is their shared aim to support people who are experiencing mental health distress or emotional pain. Helplines are there to assist you in a time of emotional pain, and to support those who may be noticing warning signs of an emotional crisis in those they care about.

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