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Helplines in Lebanon.


The emergency safe line of ABAAD serves as a vital lifeline for individuals facing gender-based violence and other forms of...




Al Dar, ABAAD’s emergency safe shelters are free and safe temporary houses for women at risk or survivors of GBV, including...



Since its establishment, ABAAD’s Men Center (MC) has been engaging men and providing support at the individual, family, couples...



Illustration of two people inside separate phones working together to bandage a wounded heart, representing online empathy

Struggling with stress? Reach out to a hotline in Lebanon for free support

Most people feel stressed from time to time, but when everyday pressures become too much to bear, it can put a lot of strain on your mental wellbeing. If you notice any of the following negative experiences associated with stress, there are 3 hotlines in Lebanon you can contact for support:

  • Pulling back from your loved ones.
  • Relying on drugs or alcohol to relax or feel better.
  • Difficulty concentrating and focusing.
  • Low energy and lack of motivation.
  • Dry mouth and trouble swallowing anything.
  • Digestive issues that result in diarrhea, constipation, heart burn, or digestive disorders.
  • Sleep disturbances; sleeping excessively or not sleeping at all.
  • Poor self-care and not taking time out for yourself.

Stress saps your energy and steals your joy. When you're stressed, it's hard to be present because you become so focused on the source of your anxiety. While a little bit of stress can be helpful because it motivates you to take action, too much stress can make you want to give up.

If you have been battling with stress for a while, then you could benefit from some extra support. There are hotlines in Lebanon who support people experiencing stress. Whether you just need somebody to listen to you, or you need practical advice, there are dedicated counselors and volunteers you can count on.

Consider contacting a hotline in Lebanon right away for free, private help with stress.

Find Lebanon helplines & hotlines by topic

In Lebanon there are 3 helplines and hotlines that support with the following topics:
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