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Helplines in Macao.

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婦聯心理治療中心心理諮詢熱線 Psychological Counseling Hotline of Women's Federation Psychotherapy Center provides free and confidential...


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澳門明愛-生命熱線 Caritas Macau - Lifehope Hotline is dedicated to providing free and confidential support and information over phone,...




Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Struggling with depression? Contact a hotline in Macao for free, confidential help

Depression is one of the most common mental health problems, affecting about 13% of people worldwide. Depression can affect people differently, but common feelings associated with depression include sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, and guilt.

In Macao, there are 4 free hotlines that support people experiencing the symptoms of depression. If you notice these signs of depression, consider reaching out:

  • Your mood has worsened in the recent weeks
  • You could feel slower in your movement, speech, and reactions than usual
  • You became irritable for no reason
  • You are unable to think
  • You wake up during the night or at dawn and cannot fall asleep again
  • You need to force yourself to eat
  • You cannot concentrate and have difficulties memorizing things
  • You feel guilty, and you loath yourself

Even though depression symptoms may feel overwhelming, they are not uncommon. It is normal to find yourself depressed at some point. With the right help, you can deal with feelings of sadness and hopelessness.

Reaching out for help when you're depressed is tough. You may feel like nobody will get you, that nobody cares about you, or that you're beyond help. But helpline conuselors and volunteers in Macao have been trained to help people who are feeling depressed. They care about how you feel and they want to help.

For free and confidential support with depression, sadness and feeling hopeless, consider contacting a hotline in Macao today.

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