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TOM je splošni telefon za otroke in mladostnike. Z nami lahko stopite v stik tudi preko e-pošte in spletne...



SOS telefon za ženske in otroke - žrtve nasilja - vseslovenska telefonska številka za ženske in otroke, ki so preživele nasilje...


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Ko čutite, da je breme stiske pretežko, lahko pogovor z usposobljenim prostovoljcem pomaga razbremeniti breme. Klic je anonimen...


Illustration of a woman throwing a lifebuoy to a distressed person, symbolizing providing a lifeline for people in crisis

Gender and sexual identity hotlines are available in Slovenia

If you’re unsure whether you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, you’re not alone. It’s normal to question your sexual and gender identity. Whether you're questioning and need support, or you’re confident in your identity but you're experiencing other issues, there are 3 hotlines in Slovenia that can help you with the following and more:

  • Wanting to express your gender differently
  • Not knowing where to get or how to wear a binder
  • Feeling like your sexuality is different from those around you
  • Dealing with trauma related to your sexuality or gender
  • Being bullied, discriminated against or excluded because of how you identify
  • Anxiety around coming out to others
  • Wanting to change your physical appearance
  • Feeling constrained by gender norms

As an LGBTQ person, you deserve to be accepted, respected, and loved for who you are. If you’ve been treated unfairly by others because of your gender or sexual identity, it’s normal to feel intense negative emotions. Loneliness, confusion, and thoughts of suicide are often experienced by LGBTQ people.

No matter where you're at on your journey with your gender and sexuality, there are people who can walk through it with you. There are LGBTQ-friendly hotlines in Slovenia. Speaking to someone who cares about what you're going through and who will listen to you without judgement can help you feel less alone.

If you are ready to talk to someone about your gender & sexual identity, you can contact a hotline in Slovenia for free and confidential support.

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