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Consejo Ciudadano Para La Seguridad Y Justicia de Ciudad de México



About Consejo Ciudadano Para La Seguridad Y Justicia de Ciudad de México

Safety Hot Line 55 5533-5533; we offer legal and psychological support to victims of different types of social issues, violence and crimes, as well as preventive tools for citizens.

We also offer: National Call Line against Human Trafficking, 800 5533 000, to assist victims and witnesses of human trafficking, and people who seek information about this crime. With this strategy we contribute to prevention and fight against this crime, coordinating mechanisms among federal government, local governments and civilian organisms that specialize in this topic.

Where is Consejo Ciudadano Para La Seguridad Y Justicia de Ciudad de México available?

Available nationwide in Mexico

Who does Consejo Ciudadano Para La Seguridad Y Justicia de Ciudad de México support?


What languages does Consejo Ciudadano Para La Seguridad Y Justicia de Ciudad de México support?


Accessibility notes


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