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DepreHUB Teen Line


About DepreHUB Teen Line

Our helpline offers support regarding anxiety, depression, psychotherapy. We have a team who is willing to provide assistance via phone, discussing with the people, listening to them and helping them find solutions for their life situations. Helpline-ul nostru ofera suport in legatura cu anxietatea, depresia, psihoterapia. Avem o echipa pregatita sa ofere asisstenta prin telefon, sa discute cu oamenii, sa ii asculte si sa ii ajute sa gaseasca solutii pentru situatiile de viata cu care se confrunta.

Where is DepreHUB Teen Line available?

Available in Romania

Who does DepreHUB Teen Line support?

Lgbtq+ and youth

What languages does DepreHUB Teen Line support?

English and Romanian

Accessibility notes

0374 456 420- adults & elders line number 0726 666 266- office number

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