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About Vita-Activa.Org, is a helpline for women and LGBTTIQ+ people, journalists, activists and human rights defenders who face online gender-based violence, stress, anxiety, chronic fatigue, trauma and pain. Our services in Spanish and English are free, confidential and anonymous. Vita Activa provides psychological and digital first aid, holistic crisis management and strategic decision-making. Find us in [email protected] (Spanish) and [email protected] (English) | @VitaActivaOrg | +52155-8171-1117 (Whatsapp, Signal, Telegram), es una línea de ayuda para mujeres y personas LGBTTIQ+, periodistas, activistas y defensoras de los derechos humanos que enfrentan violencias de género en línea, estrés, ansiedad, cansancio crónico, trauma y dolor. Nuestros servicios en español e inglés son gratuitos, confidenciales y anónimos. Vita Activa proporciona primeros auxilios psicológicos y digitales, manejo holístico de la crisis y toma de decisiones estratégica. Encuéntranos en [email protected] (Español) y [email protected] (English) | @VitaActivaOrg | +52155-8171-1117 (Whatsapp, Signal)

Where is Vita-Activa.Org available?

Available nationwide in Colombia

Who does Vita-Activa.Org support?

Lgbtq+ and women

What languages does Vita-Activa.Org support?

English, Portuguese, and Spanish

Illustration of a woman meeting a caring person, who is in a life-sized phone, to symbolize online support and connection

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