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About Young4HelpChat

Siamo qui per te Hai dubbi? Incertezze? Paure? Qualcosa non va a casa? Oppure a scuola? Fai fatica a dormire? Molti pensieri? Sei preoccupata/o per qualcosa? Sei spesso stanca/o oppure triste?

Noi siamo qui per te. Spesso è più semplice parlarne con giovani (pari) che con adulti, poiché utilizziamo lo stesso linguaggio e viviamo simili esperienze. Ti aiutiamo a comprendere quello che stai passando trovando assieme soluzioni utili per affrontare la tua situazione. Con noi puoi parlare di qualsiasi cosa, tutto rimane nell'anonimato.

We are here for you Do you have any doubts? Uncertainties? Fear? Is something wrong at home? Or at school? Are you struggling to sleep? Many thoughts? Are you worried about something? Are you often tired or sad?

We are here for you. It is often easier to talk about it with young people (peers) than with adults, as we use the same language and have similar experiences. We help you understand what you are going through by finding together useful solutions to deal with your situation. With us you can talk about anything, everything remains anonymous.

Where is Young4HelpChat available?

Available nationwide in Switzerland

Who does Young4HelpChat support?

Lgbtq+, children, all topics, and youth

What languages does Young4HelpChat support?

English and Italian

Accessibility notes

Support available in Italian and partial English (it depends on which peer) for youth age 11-30.

Illustration of a woman meeting a caring person, who is in a life-sized phone, to symbolize online support and connection

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