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Helplines in Belgium.


Le Centre de Prévention des Violences Conjugales et Familiales s'engage à fournir un soutien et des informations gratuites et...



Télé-Accueil est un service d’écoute par téléphone qui offre à toute personne qui le souhaite l’occasion de trouver «...


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Tele-Onthaal is een telefonische en chathulpdienst waar je terecht kan als je op bepaalde momenten in het leven nood hebt aan...


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De Stichting voor Vermiste en Seksueel Uitgebuite Kinderen - een stichting van openbaar nut - is actief onder de naam Child...


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CHS operates a 24/7 Helpline in English, for children, adolescents, and adults. Calls are free of charge, anonymous, and...



Awel listens to children and young people. Awel feels with you and thinks with you. You do not have to pay for a conversation...


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103-Ecoute-Enfants is dedicated to providing free, compassionate and confidential support by phone. We help youth, children,...


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Find support for abuse and domestic violence from a hotline in Belgium

Domestic abuse is any action or behaviour from a partner or spouse, girlfriend/boyfriend or family member that aims to control you. For some, this is physical violence, for others it takes the form of verbal, emotional, sexual or financial abuse.

If you are in Belgium and you are exposed to violence, 8 hotlines that support with abuse and domestic violence are available to you. You do not have to bear that burden in quiet, alone. Reach out if you are noticing these signs:

  • Not allowing you to work or get an education
  • Your partner/family member has told you they will commit suicide if you leave
  • Feeling like you can’t do anything right for your partner/family member
  • Your partner/family member yells at you
  • You are being threatened that your children will be taken away from you
  • Forcing you to use substances, lead an unhealthy lifestyle, or not take medication you need
  • Believing that your partner/family member’s aggressive behavior is your fault
  • Being taken advantage of financially

You might feel completely alone if you are a victim of abuse and domestic violence. Many people in your position tend to hide what they are experiencing. However, know that it is nothing to be ashamed of. The abuse and everything about it is absolutely not your fault.

You might feel insecure and unsure what the right thing to do in your situation is. Fortunately, there are professionals and volunteers in Belgium who have experience helping domestic violence and abuse victims. They could help you find your way towards a better life.

If you are ready to talk to someone about your experiences of abuse or domestic violence, you can contact a hotline in Belgium for free and confidential support.

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