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Aquí Estoy Chatline es una línea de ayuda de habla hispana con base global que ofrece apoyo emocional en WhatsApp. Somos una...



Anima EC is dedicated to providing free and confidential support over the phone, text, and WhatsApp. We are here to help...





Línea de Apoyo a Mujeres, para enfrentar la violencia NO ESTAMOS SOLAS ofrece apoyo gratuito y confidencial las 24 horas del...



Illustration of two people inside separate phones working together to bandage a wounded heart, representing online empathy

Struggling with stress? Reach out to a hotline in Ecuador for free support

Stress is the feeling of being under pressure. When stress is prolonged or you experience an extremely stressful event, it can deplete your coping resources, making it difficult to keep up with life's demands. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms of stress, there are 3 helplines in Ecuador you can reach for free, confidential support:

  • Having difficulty making decisions and judgments.
  • Constantly worrying about something.
  • Changes in weight and appetite; eating too little or too much.
  • Digestive issues that result in diarrhea, constipation, heart burn, or digestive disorders.
  • Headaches or dizziness.
  • Excessive sweating in the hands.
  • Low energy and lack of motivation.
  • Rapid heartbeat and chest pain.

When you're under a lot of stress, pressure and tension build up and life can suddenly feel unmanageable. It can be scary when it feel like things are beyond your control. However, there are healthy ways to manage stress that can ease the pressure and help you cope.

If you have been battling with stress for a while, then you could benefit from some extra support. There are hotlines in Ecuador who support people experiencing stress. Whether you just need somebody to listen to you, or you need practical advice, there are dedicated counselors and volunteers you can count on.

Consider contacting a hotline in Ecuador right away for free, private help with stress.

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