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Helplines in Northland, New Zealand.

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Peer support. Listening without judgement. Speak to someone who has lived experience of mental health distress. Our staff have...


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Reach out to a hotline in Northland, New Zealand for support with abuse and domestic violence

Domestic abuse is any action intended to control or keep power over a spouse, partner, family member, or girlfriend/boyfriend. The abuse may take the form of something physical, or it may be emotional, verbal, sexual, or financial. You might feel threatened, controlled, or belittled.

Setting free from an abuser may feel impossible. You are probably terrified and feel trapped. However, many victims of abuse and domestic violence have made it. With the help of 1 hotlines in Northland, New Zealand that support with abuse and domestic violence, you can live without having to endure these symptoms of abuse:

  • Avoiding certain topics so that you don’t anger your partner/family member
  • Being exposed to intimidation and coercion
  • You feel threatened all the time
  • Feeling like you can’t do anything right for your partner/family member
  • Forcing you to use substances, lead an unhealthy lifestyle, or not take medication you need
  • Your partner/family member has an unpredictable, violent temperament, and they direct the anger at you
  • You are being isolated from friends and family members
  • Feeling helpless, desperate, or emotionally numb

You might feel completely alone if you are a victim of abuse and domestic violence. Many people in your position tend to hide what they are experiencing. However, know that it is nothing to be ashamed of. The abuse and everything about it is absolutely not your fault.

It’s normal if you feel isolated. Victims of abuse and domestic violence are exposed to extreme stress and often go through it alone. Even though it might feel difficult to share what you are going through, hotline staff in Northland, New Zealand will listen, try to understand – and help you.

For free and confidential support with abuse and domestic violence, consider contacting a hotline in Northland, New Zealand today.

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