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Helplines in Panama.

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Get support for grief and loss from a hotline in Panama

If you're experiencing intense and unbearable pain after a significant loss, you're not alone. You may not know where to turn or how to cope. Fortunately, there are 0 hotlines that offer help with grief and loss in Panama. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, consider getting some support:

  • If you are religious, you may start to question your faith
  • Having nightmares or disturbing dreams related to the loss
  • Increased anxiety about the future
  • Becoming tearful and crying more often and unexpectedly
  • Feeling more irritable than usual
  • Feeling like there's a pit in your stomach
  • Feeling emotionally unstable, like you're on an emotional rollercoaster
  • Body aches and pains and headaches

Grief and loss can bring up a diverse range of emotions. You may feel sad, angry, shocked, guilty, relieved, and scared all at once. This is a normal response but it can be confusing and make you feel alone.

Grieving is a very personal experience and because of that, it can feel isolating. If you're in Panama, speaking to someone who has been there too, and who understands can help you feel less alone.

If you feel like you might need support with grief or loss, try reaching out to a hotline in Panama. It's free and confidential.

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