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About CHILDLINE 1098

CHILDLINE 1098 is the emergency helpline and crisis response service for children in need of care and protection. Any child or concerned adult acting on behalf of a child can call 1098 for emergency support, to report abuse or any other child rights violation. If a crisis response is required, a CHILDLINE team member will reach the child within 60 minutes to provide assistance.

Where is CHILDLINE 1098 available?

Available nationwide in India

Who does CHILDLINE 1098 support?

Children and youth

What languages does CHILDLINE 1098 support?

English and Hindi

What can I talk to CHILDLINE 1098 about?

Accessibility notes

1098 is the national, 24-hour, free, emergency helpline number exclusively for children in India. Counsellors can speak in English, Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Kannada, Bengali and other regional languages.

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