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نقدم المشورة النفسية والاجتماعية والقانونية في سرية تامة نستمع اليكم بحب وتفهم وبدون أحكام مسبقة ننفذ حملات مناصرة ودعم قانوني...



Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Battling to cope with your diagnosis and symptoms? Reach out to a helpline for free support in Libya

Everything changes when you’re diagnosed with a serious, chronic or life-threatening physical illness. Coping with your new reality can be challenging, especially when you feel isolated or alone. You are valued. There are 1 helplines in Libya where you can confide in volunteers or counselors for support when you feel:

  • Grief about the health, mobility, social life and peace of mind that you have lost.
  • Anxiety, tension, fear, sadness and helplessness about your condition and what the future holds.
  • Afraid of what the future holds, including the pain you may feel, disabilities or death.
  • That life isn’t worth living, given the limitations and pain associated with your medical condition.
  • Frustration and anger about the uncertainty and disabilities associated with your illness.
  • Depression about the life you've lost, things you cannot do, and places you cannot go.
  • Stress about the financial burden that your illness will put on your family.
  • Cut off from your family and friends who cannot understand what you are going through.

Depending on your illness, personality, age, lifestyle and home support system, there are a range of difficult emotions you may be feeling. Illness can be life-changing, and it is always unexpected.

You have the potential to face physical illness with grace and resilience. To do so, you need to nurture your mental and emotional wellbeing. You can start by confiding in someone in Libya who understands how deeply medical distress can affect your mental health. Reaching for support does not make you weak, helpless or incapable – it just means you’re human.

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