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نقدم المشورة النفسية والاجتماعية والقانونية في سرية تامة نستمع اليكم بحب وتفهم وبدون أحكام مسبقة ننفذ حملات مناصرة ودعم قانوني...



Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Are you a victim of sexual abuse, assault or harassment? Get free, confidential support from a hotline in Libya

Sexual abuse is a form sexual violence where a person uses power or coercion to force you into unwanted sexual activity. You can be a victim of sexual abuse if you are a woman, man or child. Other forms of sexual violence are sexual assault, such as rape, and sexual harassment, which is sexual behaviour toward you that is unwelcome or offensive.

If you are a victim of sexual violence, talking about your experience with people who understand can help you recover. Seek free help from 1 sexual abuse, assault and harassment hotlines in Libya if you face:

Examples of sexual violence:

  • Repeated unwanted sexual attention or advances, including in your workplace or by your employer
  • Being used sexually in a way that is humiliating
  • Being exposed to a violent, hurtful sexual act without your permission
  • Sexual abuse or assault from someone in your family (incest)
  • Being filmed or photographed nude or in a sexually explicit way without your permission
  • Catcalls and whistles that make you feel uncomfortable or objectified
  • An organ or an object being put into your vagina (rape), or anus or mouth (sodomy), without your consent
  • Being kissed or touched without your consent or being made, by coercion or force, to touch or kiss someone

Effects of sexual violence:

  • A decline in your physical and mental health
  • Losing trust in people in general
  • Feeling unsafe and scared that it would happen again
  • Minimizing the abuse as not being as severe as someone else’s
  • Feeling edgy and fearful, especially around people who resemble the abuser in any way
  • An urge to use alcohol, drugs, or gamble excessively
  • Feeling as if everyone could see what happened to you
  • Avoidance of anything that reminds you of the sexual abuse

Sexual violence could provoke many ways of coping, some more and some less healthy. You may go through many different feelings, responses, and stages of recovery until you fully heal.

Coping with the trauma of sexual violence can be even harder if you are trying to do it on your own. There is no right or wrong way to recover from the abuse. However, having someone to talk to in Libya can make the process easier.

For free and confidential support with sexual assault, abuse and harassment, consider contacting a hotline in Libya today.

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