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Helplines in Netherlands.

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The genderpraatjes help helpline is mainly for young genderquestioning people, but is meant for everybody having questions...


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Switchboard is the information and support service for the LGBTQI+ community in the Netherlands, providing a listening ear and...


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De Kindertelefoon is dé plek in Nederland waar kinderen van 8 tot 18 jaar gratis en anoniem kunnen praten over onderwerpen die...


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de Luisterlijn biedt 24/7 gratis, meelevende en vertrouwelijke ondersteuning via telefoon en online chat. Wij zijn hier om...


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113 Zelfmoordpreventie provides 24/7, free, compassionate and confidential support over phone and online chat. We exist to help...


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MIND Korrelatie is de gratis hulplijn van MIND en biedt ondersteuning aan iedereen die kampt met zijn mentale of emotionele...


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Illustration of a woman messaging a crisis counselor, with chat bubbles and shapes extending from her phone

Gender and sexual identity hotlines are available in Netherlands

If you identify as LGBTQ or if you’re undecided about your gender or sexual identity, you may be more prone to depression and mental health problems. This is especially true if you experience discrimination, bullying, and rejection. If you struggle with any of the following, reach to a hotline in Netherlands – 8 are available:

  • Wanting to come out but not knowing how
  • Feeling shame around how you identify
  • You aren't sure how to date or flirt with members of the same sex
  • Feeling like how you are on the outside doesn't represent who you are on the inside
  • A sense of wrongness about the gender you were assigned at birth
  • Feeling like your sexuality is different from those around you
  • Struggling with being misgendered or wrongly labeled
  • Feeling frustrated and angry that your assigned gender at birth doesn't match who you are

Confusion, loneliness, and thoughts of suicide are normal when you’re struggling to make peace with your gender and sexual identity. It’s hard to know where to turn and you may be scared that if people know you're LGBTQ, they will treat you badly or differently.

If you're experiencing problems because you identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender, help is available in Netherlands. You can reach out at any time and get connected to a caring LGBTQ-friendly volunteer or counselor. Helpline listeners will offer you respectful, affirming care no matter what you're going through.

If you feel like you might need support with your gender & sexual identity, try reaching out to a hotline in Netherlands. It's free and confidential.

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