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Helplines in Ukraine.


We are a Germany-based support line offering support in Ukrainian and Russian languages. Are you feeling overwhelmed and...




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Get help with a gambling addiciton from a hotline in Ukraine

If your gambling habits have spiralled out of control and you've experienced significant loss as a result, you be may feeling defeated. However, there is hope. If you're experiencing any of the following, you can get help from one of 2 free hotlines in Ukraine.

  • An urge to win back the money you lost.
  • Being unable to stop gambling despite making an effort to stop.
  • Being told by others that you have a gambling problem.
  • Gambling as a way to relieve negative emotions.
  • Thinking that the next bet will solve all of your problems.
  • Selling personal or family items to get money to gamble with.
  • Denying that you have a gambling problem.
  • Gambling to distract yourself from your problems.

It may feel like the damage of your gambling behavior has gone too fair and that it's irreparable. It's normal to feel as though there's no solution. But if you're committed to your recovery, you can regain what you lost with time.

The first step to rebuilding what you've lost, is to reach out for help. That can be hard if you doubt whether anyone can help and whether you'll be understood. It may help to know that in Ukraine, helpline counselors and volunteers are trained to help people experiencing problems just like yours.

For free and confidential support with gambling, consider contacting a hotline in Ukraine today.

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