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Helplines in Ukraine.


Головною метою Національної гарячої лінії для дітей та молоді є надання в телефонному, електронному та письмовому режимах...



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Get help from a parenting support helpline in Ukraine

Being a parent is the most difficult job in the world. It requires all your energy and patience. It is common to feel exhausted and overwhelmed. In Ukraine, there are 2 hotlines that can help you in your journey of raising children. Contact one now if you are experiencing these difficulties:

  • You feel like you are neither a good enough parent nor a good enough worker
  • Wanting to protect your child from any harm but not being able to
  • Feeling overwhelmed with contradicting information about parenting you receive
  • Wanting to pass on the right traditions
  • Feeling overwhelmed when your kid has tantrums or misbehaves
  • Missing socializing and going out
  • Being afraid to let your child experience pain, disappointment, and frustration
  • Feeling worried about the quality of nutrition your child receives

It’s perfectly normal to be confused, scared, and frustrated as a parent sometimes. It’s a challenging experience, and everyone copes with it differently. It can be difficult to go through it feeling alone or misunderstood.

Let's be honest – parenting is one of the hardest things that you'll ever do. It can also be the most rewarding. Every parent needs support, and there is no shame in accessing it when you need it. People in Ukraine are ready and available to help you on your parenting journey and support you to raise your family in a way that works for your unique situation.

For free and confidential support with parenting, consider contacting a hotline in Ukraine today.

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