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Free abortion and pregnancy hotlines in Kentucky

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Contact a helpline in Kentucky, United States to get support for an unexpected or distressing pregnancy.

If you're pregnant and it was unplanned or you're uncertain about it, you're not alone. Many women will experience an unplanned or uncertain pregnancy in their lifetimes. There are 3 helplines in Kentucky, United States that you can call today to get advice and support. If you relate to any of the following, reach out for help:

  • Feeling scared that your partner or your parents will reject you when they find out.
  • Worried about how going through with the pregnancy will affect your future vision.
  • Feeling unsure about the options that are available to you.
  • A fear of being judged if you try to talk about the pregnancy and your options.
  • Anger directed toward yourself or your partner for the pregnancy.
  • Being reluctant to change your lifestyle to accommodate a baby.
  • Being in a state of shock or denial about the pregnancy.
  • Being unsure of how to tell your partner or your family, or whether you should.

Right now, you might be feeling devastation, indifference, happiness, or a mix of all three.There is no right or wrong way to respond to an unplanned pregnancy. Every woman will experience it differently according to her unique situation.

Talking to someone about your experience can help you make sense of complex feelings. Helpline counselors and volunteers in Kentucky, United States are trained to support people in an emotional crisis. They will offer a safe, judgement-free space for you to express yourself openly. They can also help you explore your options without pushing you in a certain direction.

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