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Helplines in South Korea.


성폭력이 ‘정조에 관한 죄’였던 1991년, 한국성폭력상담소가 문을 열었습니다. 이후 ‘사적인‘, ‘중요하지 않은’, ‘수치스러운’ 성문제, ‘여성들의 거짓말’, ‘여성의 정조 문제’로 치부되던 한국사회의 왜곡된 성인식과...



청소년상담1388은 9~24세 청소년과 그 부모가 이용할 수 있습니다. 온라인 라이브채팅 상담, 게시판 상담, 온라인 심리검사, 문제해결 가이드라인 등 다양한 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 우리는 가족 갈등, 우정 문제, 학교...


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생명의전화는 고독과 갈등, 위기와 자살 등 삶의 복잡한 문제에 빠져 있는 이웃에게 전문교육을 받은 자원봉사상담원들이. 1년 365일 24시간 전화 및 사이버 상담, 전문상담을 실시하고 있습니다.


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Contact a helpline in South Korea to get support for an unexpected or distressing pregnancy.

Pregnancies that are unplanned or have doubts attached to them happen almost as often as planned pregnancies. So while you may feel alone, what you're experiencing is quite common. If you relate to any of the following and you're not sure what to do next, contact one of 4 hotlines in South Korea:

  • Feeling concerned about your financial situation if you go through with the pregnancy.
  • Concerned about raising the baby as a single mother.
  • Feeling regret like you made a big mistake.
  • Feeling overwhelmed by all the options and having to make a decision.
  • Being concerned about whether you'd make a good parent.
  • Feeling anxious about how your body and health will be affected depending on your choice.
  • Worried about how going through with the pregnancy will affect your future vision.
  • Being in a state of shock or denial about the pregnancy.

It's normal to feel many different, conflicting emotions as you figure out what to do next. It's just as normal to have made up your mind easily and to feel at peace with your choice. However you're feeling is valid.

With an unplanned pregnancy or uncertainty around your pregnancy, you may have a lot of questions. It can be tough to know where to turn to for support, especially if you're not ready to tell anyone. A helpline volunteer in South Korea will offer you confidential and compassionate support that you can trust.

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