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Illustration of a woman messaging a crisis counselor, with chat bubbles and shapes extending from her phone

Struggling to cope with dementia and Alzheimer's? Hotline support is available in Kazakhstan

Dementia and Alzheimer's might sound scary and confusing. You might have a lot of questions and doubts about how you will cope with the diagnosis. Fortunately, there are 1 hotlines in Kazakhstan that provide support with dementia and Alzheimer's, where you can get free support. Dementia and Alzheimer's can look like:

  • Being easily irritated regardless of knowing it’s nothing you would normally get upset about
  • Difficulties concentrating on reading or writing
  • Sudden changes in mood, agitation
  • Struggling with keeping up with the direction of a conversation
  • Difficulties remembering what you knew and memorizing new things
  • You might experience hallucinations and delusions
  • Getting confused over tasks that you used to perform routinely
  • Becoming emotionally numb at times

Everyone responds to receiving the diagnosis of dementia and Alzheimer’s differently. It’s normal if you feel anger, grief, confusion, or even relief knowing what’s happening with you. So many people around the world are going through the same thing at this very moment.

The right kind of support can help you find your personal path through this experience. Even though you may feel like no one would understand, helpline counsellors in Kazakhstan are there to listen and try to help you navigate through the experience.

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