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Helplines in Puerto Rico.

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Aquí Estoy Chatline es una línea de ayuda de habla hispana con base global que ofrece apoyo emocional en WhatsApp. Somos una...


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Un Programa Integrado de Intervención en Crisis que interviene en Crisis Psicosociales secundarias a Emergencias y desastres...


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Struggling with trauma and PTSD? Contact a free helpline in Puerto Rico for support

Traumatic experiences happen more often than you might think. Because they are so common and frequently highly distressing, Puerto Rico has 3 helplines to help people dealing with trauma and PTSD. Symptoms might involve:

  • Overwhelming negative emotions such as guilt, shame, sadness and anxiety
  • Becoming isolated, withdrawn and avoiding social situations
  • Repetitive thoughts about how you could have changed or avoided the traumatic event
  • Feeling like nobody will understand what you are going through
  • Feeling unable to trust anyone
  • Flashbacks of a traumatic event
  • Feeling on edge and finding it difficult to relax
  • Self-harming or destructive behaviour

The thoughts and feelings linked to trauma and PTSD are all completely normal. It’s okay to feel whatever you feel – and you can do so without guilt or shame.

The symptoms of trauma and PTSD can become overwhelming. Assistance is available in Puerto Rico to help you unpack your experiences and begin making sense of them. You can feel seen, heard and understood through compassionate listening and support.

If you think you might need support with the symptoms of trauma & PTSD today, consider contacting a helpline in Puerto Rico for free, confidential help.

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