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Helplines in Slovakia.


Linka pomoci je pre deti a mládež a je k dispozícii non-stop 24/7, bezplatne, anonymne. Poskytujeme psychosociálne poradenstvo,...


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Linka dôvery Nezábudka poskytuje služby dištančného psychologicko - sociálneho poradenstva a krízovej intervencie predovšetkým...


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Лінія довіри Linka dôvery Nezábudka надає дистанційні психолого-соціальні консультації та послуги кризового втручання переважно...


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Sme online linka pomoci pre mladých ľudí na Slovensku. Veríme, že každý by mal dostať pomoc, keď sa cíti zmätený, slabý,...


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Illustration of a woman throwing a lifebuoy to a distressed person, symbolizing providing a lifeline for people in crisis

Need advice on how to support a loved one? Contact a helpline in Slovakia today.

It's normal to be concerned when it seems like someone you care about is not acting like their usual self. You may wonder whether they are struggling with their mental health. 4 helplines are available in Slovakia to offer you support and advice. Feel free to reach out if these signs seem familiar:

  • They have become highly self-critical.
  • They have started using substances like alcohol or drugs more often.
  • They have stopped caring about their physical appearance.
  • They are easily startled.
  • They complain about being about being tired all the time.
  • They are not keeping up with personal hygiene.
  • They've recently experienced a significant life event like a break up or a death.
  • You don’t hear from for days or weeks, when you used to hear from them often.

If you've noticed a change in a loved one's attitude or behavior, it can be scary. It's normal to feel worried and unsure about what you can do to help. Simply being there for your loved one, even in small ways, can be extremely valuable.

You can get guidance on how best to support a loved one you're worried about by contacting a helpline in Slovakia. Helpline supporters can provide you with useful advice and resources so that you feel more empowered to help the person you care about.

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