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Spes - for survivors of suicide loss


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About Spes - for survivors of suicide loss

Spes stödlinje är till för dig som mist någon som tagit sitt liv. Alla våra utbildade volontärer har egen erfarenhet av att ha mist någon i självmord. Samtalet är gratis och det du säger stannar hos oss. Stödlinjen är öppen varje dag året runt 19:00 - 22:00. Vi erbjuder också samtalsgrupper på många orter i landet, så väl som digitala stödforum.

The Spes helpline supports you who have lost a loved one to suicide. All our trained volunteers are survivors of suicide loss themselves. Calls are free of charge, and we have an obligation of confidentiality. The helpline is open every day 19:00 - 22:00. We also organize support groups throughout Sweden as well as digital forums.

Where is Spes - for survivors of suicide loss available?

Available nationwide in Sweden

Who does Spes - for survivors of suicide loss support?


What languages does Spes - for survivors of suicide loss support?


What can I talk to Spes - for survivors of suicide loss about?

Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

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