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Supportline 179


About Supportline 179

Supportline 179 hija l-Helpline Nazzjonali f’Malta u taħseb għal diversi kwistjonijiet li jvarjaw minn solitudni sa sitwazzjonijiet ta’ kriżi bħal abbuż tat-tfal, vjolenza domestika, nies bla dar u suwiċidju fost oħrajn. Il-helpline toffri widna empatika lil min għaddej minn sitwazzjonijiet vulnerabbli u wkoll mezz ta’ referenza għal servizzi soċjali oħra meta jkun hemm bżonn. Aħna miftuħa 24/7, u disponibbli għal kulħadd.

English Translation: Supportline 179 is the National Helpline in Malta and it caters for diverse issues ranging from loneliness to crisis situations such as child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness and suicide amongst others. The helpline offers an empathic ear to those going through vulnerable situations and also a means of referral to other social services when needed. We are open 24/7, and available to everyone.

Where is Supportline 179 available?

Available nationwide in Malta

Who does Supportline 179 support?

All topics and everyone

What languages does Supportline 179 support?

English and Maltese

Accessibility notes

The Supportline 179 is available on a 24/7 basis and all calls are free both from landlines and also from mobile phones. All the calls received on the EU Emotional Support Helpline 116 123 and EU Child Helpline 116 111, are dealt with by the Supportline 179 team.

Illustration of a woman throwing a lifebuoy to a distressed person, symbolizing providing a lifeline for people in crisis

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