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Helplines in Malta.

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Crisis Resolution Malta provides free 24/7 crisis consultation. Callers will receive compassionate and confidential support by...



LGBTQ+ is an online platform operated by professionals 24/7 in Malta. The online support service is anonymous and...

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Supportline 179 hija l-Helpline Nazzjonali f’Malta u taħseb għal diversi kwistjonijiet li jvarjaw minn solitudni sa...


Illustration of a man reclining in a hammock text messaging a suicide hotline, symbolizing online emotional support

Are you thinking about suicide? Contact a suicide hotline in Malta

If you're struggling with suicide, you are not alone. There are always people who can help. 3 free helplines are available in Malta for anyone experiencing suicidal thoughts. If you're feeling any of the following, reach out and talk to someone who understands and can help.

  • Feeling like your own health and wellbeing no longer matter
  • Feeling like there is no end in sight to the pain you're feeling
  • A deep sense of hopelessness
  • Feeling like you wouldn't be missed if you were gone
  • Feeling deep and constant despair
  • Feeling or thinking you are worthless
  • Thinking there is nothing worth living for
  • Feeling like nothing matters anymore

When you're experiencing severe emotional distress, you may feel desperate to relieve your pain. Suicide is not the answer. It may feel like the only way to manage problems that seem unbearable, but it's not. There are always other options and there is always hope for a better tomorrow.

It's normal to feel like nobody will get you when you're feeling suicidal. It may even feel like you're beyond help. But crisis supporters don't think so. Crisis supporters in Malta want to help you and they are available 24/7 to lend a listening ear.

If you feel like you might need support with thoughts of suicide, try reaching out to a hotline in Malta. It's free and confidential.

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