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Helplines in Queensland, Australia.


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You can get help for an unplanned pregnancy or distress relating to a pregnancy from a helpline in Queensland, Australia.

If you're pregnant and it was unplanned or you're uncertain about it, you're not alone. Many women will experience an unplanned or uncertain pregnancy in their lifetimes. There are 1 helplines in Queensland, Australia that you can call today to get advice and support. If you relate to any of the following, reach out for help:

  • Feeling scared that your partner or your parents will reject you when they find out.
  • Worried about how going through with the pregnancy will affect your future vision.
  • Feeling unsure about the options that are available to you.
  • A fear of being judged if you try to talk about the pregnancy and your options.
  • Anger directed toward yourself or your partner for the pregnancy.
  • Being reluctant to change your lifestyle to accommodate a baby.
  • Being in a state of shock or denial about the pregnancy.
  • Being unsure of how to tell your partner or your family, or whether you should.

Not every woman will respond to an unplanned pregnancy in the same way. Some women may feel devastated, while others may feel indifferent, and others feel happy – or a combination of all three. There's no shame in feeling the way you do, whatever that looks like.

If you don't know what options are available to you, or if you're not sure what option is best, a helpline counselor in Queensland, Australia can guide and support you. A helpline counselor will listen to you without any judgment and will never guilt or manipulate you into choosing something you don't really want.

Find Queensland, Australia helplines & hotlines by topic

In Queensland, Australia there is one helpline/hotline that supports with the following topics:
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