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Helplines in Queensland, Australia.


Parentline is a confidential service providing professional phone and WebChat counselling and support for parents and carers of...


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The Elder Abuse Helpline is for anyone who has a concern about themselves, someone else or a situation that may be causing harm...


Illustration of a person within a phone reaching out to protect a depressed woman from the rain with an umbrella

Is bullying making you feel trapped and afraid? Contact a Queensland, Australia crisis line for support.

Bullying affects children and adults at home, school, work and online, making victims feel trapped, isolated and alone. If you’ve ever been the victim of bullying, you need not suffer in silence. There are 2 helplines in Queensland, Australia where you can get the support and understanding you deserve. These are some common experiences of people being bullied:

  • Others have frequently shamed, taunted or threatened you on social media.
  • One or more people have repeatedly sworn at, called names, taunted or physically harassed you.
  • You have been threatened or physically harassed by others on a regular basis.
  • You have been threatened or physically tripped, pushed, hit, kicked or spat at by someone.
  • You have been socially isolated and made to feel different, ashamed and alone.
  • You have been taunted, teased, threatened or harmed by others.
  • You have been trolled, insulted or humiliated on social media.
  • One or more people have spread rumours about you, whether true or untrue.

No matter how blatant or discrete, bullying can make you feel different, excluded and alone. Your feelings are shared and understood. Remember, bullies aren’t the boss. What bullies say or do will never reflect your worth in life, who you really are and your potential to succeed.

The victims of bullying are always innocent, and bullying is never deserved. Although you may feel trapped, alone or incapable, there are people in Queensland, Australia who care and can provide you support. Helpline volunteers and counselors will offer you a listening ear and will work through difficult emotions with you.

Find Queensland, Australia helplines & hotlines by topic

In Queensland, Australia there are 2 helplines and hotlines that support with the following topics:
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