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Is bullying making you feel trapped and afraid? Contact a Scotland crisis line for support.

Whether you’ve been bullied, online, at home, at school or at work, you are never alone. Support is always available. There are 1 helplines in Scotland for the victims of bullying. Reach out today to connect with someone who understands how lonely and afraid you feel. If you resonate with any of the following, seek support from a helpline near you:

  • You have repeatedly been the victim of threatening gestures or physically harassment
  • One or more people has repeatedly called you names and teased or humiliated you.
  • You have been embarrassed by the spreading of rumours, whether made up or true.
  • Others have victimised you through cyber-bullying on social media, gaming platforms and online forums.
  • One or more people have spread rumours about you, whether true or untrue.
  • Others have purposely left you out of social groups at school, work or elsewhere.
  • You have been taunted, teased, threatened or harmed by others.
  • You have been repeatedly threatened or harmed by others.

These are all ways in which bullies might try to boost their status at your expense, making you feel shamed, isolated and small. Yet, bullying in no way reflects who you truly are, what you’re capable of achieving, how you actually look, or how much you are valued by others.

The victims of bullying come from all walks of life, from every school, playground, workplace and online platform. You may be sceptical about whether helpline support in Scotland will work for you, especially if you have been treated badly in the past. The good news is that helpline staff are well-trained to help people with experiences like yours.

Find Scotland helplines & hotlines by topic

In Scotland there is one helpline/hotline that supports with the following topics:
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